Monday, August 13, 2007

Something Fishy

Something fishy around here. Honestly, I don't have Christmas lights up year round, just when we have a baby! You can see Klenda's clown fish, Zorg's Puffer fish and Mxzl's turtle here along with some seaweed. More fish are arriving daily. I guess it's as close as we get to "school"-at-home!

Besides our favorite sea creatures, we've been interested in the different animals found at different depths. Hence our stairwell. The anglerfish are at the bottom and the surface dwellers are at the top. I love the orcas! Klenda made the adult and Zorg made the baby.Continuing the watery theme, we did a little play illustrating the water cycle. I haven't done a play before, but it was fun! I found it (and tons of other resources) on Enchanted Learning. But, of course, no home school ocean educational expedition would be complete without edible sea slugs (and other denizens of the deep sculpted free form from cookie dough).
Still, my favorite discovery today was that Brain Pop has a new movie on Giant Squids!!!!

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