It started with a series of signs (made by Klenda) which read:
Coming Soon....
King Cyrus!.....
and King Croesus!....
HISTORY! the play.
It was very well recieved. Not to be missed were:
Klenda as Croesus using a rich brogue (like Scrooge McDuck).
Mxyl as Solon, enjoying the shocked expression of Croesus.
Zorg bounding on stage as a singing Cyrus (he was convinced it ought to have been a musical): "I am King Cyrus! I conquered you!!! And now all your treasure and palaces and gold mines are....MINE!"
Leena, the scene stealing soldier, tying up and untying Croesus.
The whole thing was way too much fun! I think we will do more plays.... Maybe this was HISTORY, the play, Act 1!
Ooh, I love a good play!