Saturday, January 5, 2008

I like January!

We do low tide "school stuff", high tide spiritual/Advent stuff all December, so it feels like a new school year now. I just finished the paperwork for my mid year portfolio review and that jazzes me up. Especially after a "low" December, it's like, "Oh, look at all the cool stuff we did! We've learned so much this year! We could do all this other stuff..."
Plus, all the great educational Christmas presents are here! We got a DNA lab!!!! We all can't wait to try it! Lots of fun stuff.

We are meandering through Child's History of the World and are in the Middle Ages and I feel a unit study coming on... We've done this before, but it's just so fun! I need to ask the kids and see what they think.

We just finished The Silver Chair (Narnia) read by the Emperor and are midway through Beowulf, read by the Prime Minister with a SCARY Scottish accent. If you were really Scottish you would be terrified, I'm sure. The kids are using the matching Dover coloring book. Fabulous fun. So far Grendel is dead and his mother is hiding with the sea dragons ( that would be "drrrragons").
I asked the kids to make resolutions about things they will learn this year. Most of them had to do with learning to cook particular things. It's looking like a scrumptious new year!
In our copious spare time, I am contemplating a repaint of the house interior... and shuffling the kids' rooms... and since we discovered that Zorg, Klenda and Mxyl could use the sewing machine, we're all discovering our inner tailor. I've been inspired by Melissa's posts on beauty!
One great thing about tidal home schooling, you don't get the dreaded February blahs.

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