Saturday, April 26, 2008

Have You Hugged Your Mummy Today?

Yesterday we brought back the Fun Jar. This is a quart Mason jar (decorated with sticker glue stickers) filled with slips of paper with fun things written on them. At various intervals (like after a particularly tedious chore) we draw a slip and do what it says. We just finished cleaning the family room and drew: toilet paper mummies!

That's Klenda in the top picture, Klenda wrapping Zorg in the middle, and Leena (wrapped by Klenda) at the bottom. Mxyl was off running errands with the Emporer.

Other things in the Fun Jar include: baking soda volcanoes, playdough, board games, watercolor paint, Simon says, singing silly songs, freeze dance, telling knock knock jokes in foreign accents, special things for each person in our family (we all do a special thing for the person whose name we drew), Optimath Prime, Bumblebee spelling bee, Frisbee, superhero body trace, obstacle course, nature walk, random science experiment or art project, etc.

Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, just a long list of all the fun things we can forget to do regularly.

And, no, I do not reuse the toilet paper!

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