Thursday, May 8, 2008

Feeling Fruity

With the return of the nice weather, we've been outside a lot lately and doing quite a bit of gardening. I know that I blogged about our wheat field, but I don't know if I mentioned what we did with left over field. I still didn't want to mow that hill, especially after all the work tilling it into arable land, so we turned it into an orchard. 6 fruit trees hedged with raspberries and underplanted with all manner of small fruits

We now have little green fruit on 4 of the 6 trees, with more fruit forming on the strawberries, raspberries, currants, aronia, and figs! And the bush cherries, but even the kids won't eat those!

There is something so miraculous about planting a stick and getting fruit from it! Kind of like planting a pebble or a bit of dust and seeing something green come from it. If I ever get too busy to wonder at it, I have the Zoomlians to remind me: it really is a miracle every time, don't get too used to it and forget to enjoy it!


  1. Awesome! I was just wondering if you were growing wheat again.
    We have a lot of fruit trees and bushes here too.
    We love them! ;-)

  2. Zorg wants to give it a try so we will plant wheat in the fall. This time on a smaller scale!!!
