Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fruit Meme

I am SO making this up as I go along:

1 How much space do you have?
I think it's a little more than a fifth of an acre.

2 What fruit do you grow?
yellow and red raspberries
2 kinds of strawberries
I started the season with 3 kinds of plums but lost 2 of them
red and yellow cherries
bush cherries
pink currants
2 or 3 kinds of blueberries
I think I'll count the watermelons, but not the tomatoes
passionfruit, but I haven't got even a flower yet

3 Which is your favorite?
Tough call, but I'd say the cherries.

4 What do you most want to grow, but can't?
Crazy, but true, I'd like to try pawpaws. I just can't find room for 2 more 60 foot trees. But they look like they'd taste so good! And they are the host plant for zebra swallowtails!!!!

I'm tagging Kate in NJ, cause I know she's a crazy gardener too. If you grow any fruit, or wish you did, join in!


  1. translucent apples are one of the first to be ripe, they are whitish,and oooohhh so great for applesauce. alas, they should be sprayed and taken care of. Ours are like 100 years old and we do nothing. except our two farmers completely "trimmed" all the fruit trees last year. Have you ever seen two men with chainsaws actually "trim"? so we have a few fruit this year. hubby is not squeamish like me, so he will bring in the bucketfulls and deworm them and clean them for me, I will make the applesauce. the apples are great because you only need the wisk to make the sauce once they have simmered, no need for the masher.
    as for boysenberries, I am so used to them I really couldn't tell you. probably a cross between a blackberry and something else...sweet, juicey, make FABULOUS anything.
