Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Painting the Bathroom

At long last I am pleased to announce that Mxyl and Klenda are old enough to do some of those chores I've been meaning to get to but just couldn't find the time.

I asked them to paint the bathroom and they did.

It is only fair to note that we have always called this bathroom the fishy bathroom: It has a fish themed rug, shower curtain, and...well...toilet seat.

About that toilet seat... It's worse than you think. It is one of those clear plastic ones with little plastic fish and real seashells in it. Let those of you who have never desperately wanted to potty train a child cast the first stone. But I digress.

I think Mxyl and Klenda did a splendid job so I thought I would post some of the highlights of their artistic triumph! The first picture is the back of the door. Unfortunately you can't see the shipwreck at the bottom.

In the second, note the beautiful squid, the punny catfish and the really creepy anemone. If you haven't already done so, try sayibg "The Enemy Anemone" 5 times fast.

Moving on to our third detail, note the realistic look of terror on the clown fish.

To counterbalance, they provide the detail of a school of fish terrorizing a shark. Also, please note the subtle pun linking the barnacles on the towel rack and the Bionicle floating around underwater.

Something seems fishy, indeed!

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