Thursday, September 4, 2008

Anything and Everything

The start of the new school year always makes me think over why we made the choice to home school and how we are doing - all that stuff you're probably thinking about if you have kids no matter where they go to school.

Entering our sixth year home schooling, I can see that we run into the same problem any school does: you can do anything, but you can't do everything.

I remember looking at curricula when Mxyl was Choclo's age. Mmm, didn't they look good! I could start at 3 and have Mxyl reading Greek and Latin by second grade! And Japanese! And playing violin! And maybe calculus! And lacrosse! And I wouldn't forget art (from the Old Masters), and, of course, plenty of time to play and develop his imagination!

We didn't use any of those curricula, but my, the places we've been! He did get plenty of time to play and develop his imagination. He also got a fairly large bunch of siblings, plenty of science and a heck of a lot of robots! Along the way he's picked up about as much of the 3 Rs as you would expect and quite a bit of history, geography, philosophy, theology, cooking, drawing, and woodlore. And squidlore. He's thinking. I can see him steadying and growing into the world, just starting to find his way. He's starting to hunt his own (intellectual) food. I am starting to see what a good person he is and is becoming.

I'm not at all saying: look, I got it right! I'm certainly not saying people shouldn't use curricula!
I've sure made mistakes! But it's nice to see that honest mistakes, fixed whenever possible, haven't ruined the kids.

This is what seems clear to me now: every choice excludes other choices. What seems most essential to me as a parent and as a home schooler, is to have a clear vision of what you are trying to do for your kids and why. We use the mission statement: "To help our children become who God created them to be." All of our choices are guided by that statement. When we aren't sure, we go back to it.

I was hesitant to write this, because I want this blog to be place other people can come for ideas and encouragement. I don't want anyone reading this to take it as "my way is the best way." Love and devotion to your kids is the best way! I don't actually know anyone (except by blog) who shares my home school philosophy. That doesn't bother me because I can see many other good mission statements that would lead to other choices. I'd love to hear yours! If you want to blog it, just leave a link in the comments.


  1. I've never tried to boil my philosophy down to a one-liner, but I think you've captured it perfectly.

  2. I love the way you homeschool.
    I will have to work on clarifying my "vision" into a blog post worth reading. lol

  3. All of the back-to-school planning fever going around has nearly given me a panic attack of inadequacy, so this post was just the breath of fresh air I needed. Thank you! I've nominated you for a blog award!
