Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another Gray Hair

I was looking at e mail when I heard a long scream followed by Choclo shrieking over and over, "My eye! My Eye! My eye!"

I covered the 30 ft between us in .7 seconds only to discover that I had misheard him. He was actually shrieking, "My I! My I! My I!"

He had been trying to make a capital letter I with the big red cardboard blocks, and it kept falling over. When I had recovered all my internal organs, I helped him find some of the more stable, less chewed on blocks.

That fixed his I problem.


  1. Well! You had my heart stopping for just a moment..good thing I am a fast Glad you were able to solve the "I" Problem.

  2. Oh my goodness! That is soooo funny... but only in hindsight!
