Friday, January 9, 2009

Seven Quick Takes Friday

1. My favorite Christmas tradition which we started with the Zoomlians is this: we play with the presents as soon as they are opened. As in, everyone opens a present, thanks the giver and then goes and plays with it for a few hours. Then we open another one. Doesn't that take a really long time? Yup. About 12 days.

2. Watching your kids surpass you is both weird and wonderful. Mxyl now has an intuitive understanding of how things fit together that I can only dream of. It's both freeing and unnerving to hand him a box of parts that I can't put together and say, "Here, could you do this for me, please?"

3. Klenda is a careful shopper. She carefully examined all the model horse kits before choosing the one with a plaster mold. The other kits had one or two horses, but with the mold, she can make millions!!! Bwa ha ha! The beginning of her plaster horse empire!!

4. Zorg and I are reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret. It is an amazing book! And then I found out that great swaths of the plot are real history. Amazing, simply amazing for an adult or a child interested in the power of the imagination to heal and sustain us.

5. Leena is learning more about squirrels. Her latest discovery: when a squirrel twitches it's tail at you it means it wants you to go away. Also, squirrels love squirrel food. And if you bury the peanuts for them, they love to dig them up! And squirrels love Bejeweled. At least the Queen of the squirrels does.

6. You would think that Choclo's very favorite thing about winter would be warm chocolate (like hot chocolate only, well, cooler). You would be right. Ice is good. Frost is neat. Snow I'm sure will be great if we ever get any. But warm chocolate... Mmmmm.

7. Oob has, at long last, mostly left the climbing on the table stage (unless you are foolish enough to leave anything spillable, squishable, smearable, breakable or otherwise interesting up there). Hooray! Now he's just pulling the books off the shelves. True, we have more books than tables (3000+ to 1) but it feels like Victory.

More with Jen!

1 comment:

  1. I love these kinds of posts..almost as much as pictures.
    Ha! I bet you thought I would get distracted and not notice.
