Here she is with the mementos she picked out to remember this day with Jesus: a statue of an angel with the Eucharist and a T-shirt with an image of the Eucharist and the words, "I am with you always."
Here she is looking at the Mass book her Godmother gave her.
She was very excited!
Here she is praying with her Godmother before we left for Mass.
She asked to say the Rosary on the way there, so we said the 5th Luminous Mystery, the Institution of the Eucharist.
Here she is praying before the tabernacle after the big moment. She said, "I am so happy! I got to receive Jesus in Holy Communion!"
Here she is after Mass with her Aunt, Godmother, Angel, and Mxyl, Klenda, and Zorg.
The last thing we did to prepare her was to pray together and ask her older brothers and sister to talk about their First Communions and give her advice. It was really beautiful. My favorite advice was, "Remember to talk to Jesus, but also remember to listen to Him."
Last, but not least, here she is with Father!
What a beautiful day! Congratulations!