Monday, March 23, 2009

Lent at Halftime

We're half way already? Time to take stock! Original ideas here.

The Lenten Ark is going very well. I really like it and will do it again other years. Each day you open a window and there is an animal. The booklet has a Biblical quote about that animal and relates it to a story in Salvation History. It then draws a practical connection to everyday life. Very nice, and short enough that we can do it and still do prayer time with out feeling pressed.

The Walk with Jesus poster is great! They kids love being able to see how far along we are and where we are going. I have whichever kid opened the window on the Ark color in a footstep with whatever color they like which has given a rainbow effect.

The Vine and branches is going OK. We love it, but it slips off the radar when we get too busy.

Pretzels instead of cookies. Excellent!

Flat bread instead of yeast bread. Tough. It takes much longer to make flat bread because I have to cook each "slice" individually, so I'm not making it as often as I should. It's also hard to find stuff for breakfast with toast out of the rotation.

Gospel desserts. We love it!!!

Jar for Chinese orphans. Filling up nicely. One child put all their birthday money in with not a second thought. When I asked, they insisted it was what they wanted to do.

Surprise unscheduled Spring cleaning frenzy. Feels good to have it done. Cleaning house physically and giving away extra stuff is very Lenten in a positive way.

Me eating less and praying more. Feels good! Not managing it perfectly, but I am happy when I do!

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