Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Guest Blog by Klenda: Here and There

We built rockets for launch at NASA Goddard. If you click you can see the details of our rockets. Unfortunately, the launch was scrubbed on account of rain right after we took the picture!

We will try again to launch next month.

We made a thread web in the boys' room (click to see). It's a shame we had to take it down, we were very proud of it.

We went down to the Bay to collect shark teeth. Zorg learned how to swim and I learned how to open my eyes under water. Very productive! We even found over two dozen shark's teeth.

The picture is of Choclo practicing being a little jellyfish.

We went to the Baltimore Museum of Industry. Choclo went head over heels over that crane, "Oh, look! It's a red crane, Momma!"

It was a great museum for kids. We took a tour and made lots of discoveries about how things are made. Hint: It's more complicated than it looks!

Today, we went to the Freer Gallery and saw the Peacock Room. Then we had lunch in the Moon Garden and had fun running through the sprinklers!

We've been having a great time!

We hope you are having a great time, too.

I hope to blog again soon!

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