Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We continued our tradition of celebrating Halloween as All Hallows (Saints) Eve.

Did we carve pumpkins? Yes!

Did we dress up as saints (and angels)? Yes!

Did we collect more candy than any six kids should eat? YES!

This year we had Zorg as St. Michael.

And we had Klenda as Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mary).

Mxyl was all ready to go as St. Anthony (he was going to carry a lost and found bag), but he has been down with a high fever all day. :( I'll take a picture of him in costume later. Klenda carried a bag for him, so he will have candy when he's feeling better.

I had a hard time coming up with a costume for Choclo. I was thinking of dressing him up as a fish to go with St. Anthony (who once preached to the fish when the people didn't want to hear him). Since St. Anthony wasn't coming, I had to come up with another costume, quickly, so we went with a guardian angel! Somewhat confused, Choclo asked me (after I put his wings on), "Am I a fish, now?"

Umm, how about an angelfish?

"Glub, glub!"

Leena came up with her costume by herself. She's The Little Flower. (Often referred to as St. Therese Liseux.)

Oob is a Domini Canis! Before St. Dominic was born, his mother had a dream that her baby was a black and white dog which carried a torch in it's mouth. After he died, the order he founded (the Order of Preachers) took on his name as "the Dominicans" and they were jokingly refered to as "God's watchdogs" - Domini Canis.

Oh well, this is what happens when both your parents are Dominicans, you get stuck in a dog suit!

Oob loved it, by the way. He made cute doggy noises at each house and came home with enough candy to put him in a sugar stupor until he's a teenager.

Hope you are having a great Halloween!

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