Friday, November 20, 2009

Seven Quick Takes Friday

This would be the "Random Things on the Camera" edition!
At long last, we finally have a picture of Mxyl as St. Anthony of Padua! He was too sick to even dress up for a picture on Halloween, but he's feeling muuuuch better now. Especially after eating all the candy Klenda collected for him!


I think this may have something to do with not having another baby on the way, but I think it's so cute when Choclo wants to be wrapped up like a baby. Evidently, someone else does also.

I neither wrapped him up, nor took the picture. I'm guessing it was Klenda.


Speaking of cute Choclo pictures which I didn't take, I think Mxyl took this one of Choclo feeding Courage. Willing to eat from a four year old's hand is pretty tame!

Alas, Love just discovered this morning that, while a four year old is pretty safe, a two year old will not be able to resist your beautiful tail. Love still has the tail, by the way. The urgent squawks brought us running to the rescue.


Here is this year's Leaf Tree. This is a project which we do every year by popular demand. As usual, the trunk is a paper bag and the leaves are just taped to the wall.

The remarkable thing about this tree is that the leaves were all collected on November 18th. Where I grew up, the leaves are gone by Halloween!

Even stranger, we also just brought in a large bunch of roses from the garden! We also are being inundated by camellias, but, somehow, I find that less strange than the roses.

Our (burgundy) couch cover finally wore through, and our recliner was giving up the ghost, so we got these "beach house tan" slip covers.

I love the covers (from Target), they are stretchy and soft and they fit better than any cover I've ever had. BUT. They don't go with the clear sunny yellow walls.

The walls have been suffering from Choclo's Harold and the Purple Crayon phase, so they needed to be repainted anyway. You can count this as the "before" shot.

While looking for color ideas to go with the tan covers and burgandy drapes and carpet, I, with the help of the intrepid Grammy, discovered that there are tons of color scheme websites!

This one was my favorite! This was too cool - color scheme by Yahoo! Here is another that lets you convert a picture into a color scheme (which is why the curtain is hanging on the couch, I wanted to crop those two colors).

Evidently, these are used primarily for website design, but they can also be used to coordinate rooms and wardrobes. Who knew?

And here is a gratuitous Oob shot. Not totally gratuitous, I guess, since he's actually demonstrating the need for couch covers.

He is standing on the couch and flopping back on it (no Oobs were injured in the making of this blog post).

More with Jen!

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