Tuesday, April 27, 2010

But We're Feeling Muuuch Better Now

I am doing fine now, things just got a little crazy there for a while.

Some of it was crazy in a good way: we went to the March Through Time (pictures coming), I finally filed the Giant Stack of Homeschool Papers (turned out I hadn't filed anything since ...Halloween, actually!), I accomplished the Ultimate Housekeeping Trifecta (getting the homeschool room, Lego/exercise room, and guest room cleaned at the same time!), we got the garden going for the year (another post), and made many visits to the Arboretum and local playgrounds.

Some of it was crazy in a bad way: the cooktop cracking (again!) and the bizarre annual stress of figuring out how to keep the co-op going for another year without just giving up on the older kids (bizarre because I think I don't actually need to get stressed out about this every year, but I really do).

And there was a whole lot of just life crazy: figuring out how to get the organizing and cleaning stuff done while still setting up the garden before the weeds took hold yet spending as much time as possible outside while the weather is nice. And homeschooling the kids.

At any rate, the end is in sight! I only have 4 more co-ops and 3 more CCD classes!

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