Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Profession!

So, Mxyl and I flew out to Colorado for my sister's Profession. Why Mxyl? He's her Godson. Why not everyone? Partly the cost of flying eight people, partly the fact that the Emperor would have missed his first day of school.

She lives in this high altitude valley, ringed by mountains. It was really remarkably beautiful!

Here she is after the Profession with the Bishop who received her vows and some of her community. She is a member of SOLT, The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. She is the one with a crown of flowers. The sisters wearing gray veils are professed sisters. The ones with white veils are novices and the white shirts are postulants. I didn't get a shot of the big group with the priests and brothers with the sisters!

The Profession itself was beautiful and moving, and I cried the whole time!

And here is the blushing bride! The rainbow behind her was actually a triple rainbow - something I'd never seen before, but very appropriate (their charism is Trinitarian)!

Here's my Dad with Mxyl and my niece and nephews. One of the best "fringe benefits" was the cousins getting to play together. My brother's family lives out in the other Washington!

It was an amazing trip!

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