Thursday, November 25, 2010

New York

We have had a whirlwind week! We went up to visit my folks in NJ. We had a lovely time and a little Thanksgiving feast with them.

We then went into The City (when I was growing up, The City always meant The Big Apple). We visited the Statue of Liberty, a long cherished dream of the older Zoomlians.

Oob and Choclo loved the ferry ride, so it was a success all around!

We then went through Time Square on our way to meet Grammy and see the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular!

We had a great time and drove all the way home that night.

We took a day to do laundry and than spent Wednesday volunteering at a research trial for REACH. We got home at 6 PM and made pies... Lots of pies!

The rule seems to be: When you can't decide which pie to make, make them all!

So, Mxyl made pumpkin pies. Then Zorg made chocolate pies. Then Klenda made lemon meringue pies. A grand total of ate, I mean eight pies. Which we ate today. Oh, yes, I'm pretty sure we also had turkey and some other stuff. It's all a bit of a blur...

It was a really nice Thanksgiving. It wasn't just the 8 of us sitting around eating pies. It was actually the 25 of us. One of the things I'm most thankful for is that I really enjoy the company of my extended family, so holidays are really fun. And I'm not just saying that because my BIL makes the BEST deep fried turkey, although he does.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!


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