Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trials of Furno Part 4

I knew I would have to think fast and move even faster. I pretended to be frightened (which was pretty easy, given the situation) then made a seemingly desperate lunge for my weapon.

Meltdown saw me and, just as I had predicted, he started to mock me and threw the blaster away just before I could reach it. Then, just as I hadn’t calculated, he threw ME

along with it!!!!

He stomped toward me, his purpose obvious, his tentacles glowing

with nuclear energy and desire to kill. He took up my two-sided blaster, obviously

thinking it would be amusing to kill me with my own weapon. I knew there was only one way out … or else it was curtains for me--and whoever was playing on that court.

“COME ON OUT, LITTLE ROOKIE! NO HERO LIVES FOREVER! AND EVEN LESS LIVE ONCE THEY MEET…MELTDOWN, THE MIGHTY AND MERCICESS!!!!” “Say that seven times fast,” I muttered under my breath(Heroes have breath?)


MAKES ME LESS THAN NOBODY!” I grabbed my weapon and yanked sharply.

I was hoping that something would give—something being his tentacles. The good news is:

they did give. The kind-of-bad news: not exactly in the way I had hoped. The great news: It was a lot better than that! You see, I had accidentally pulled off a

funny-looking thing that looked like the world’s smallest nuclear power plant.

What could that be? I wondered.

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