Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guess What Choclo Likes

When I asked him which pictures he wanted in his room, a certain theme developed.

It's The Great Wall of Penguins!

He was interested in a few of the other pictures I showed him, "But, " he confided, "I mostly like penguins."

We can do that!

Oob is more interested in the trucks.

I have this dream that having just a few favorite toys on low shelves will make it easier to teach the younger boys to clean up after themselves. We should all have a dream.

The piece de resistance, however, has to be this cheerful fellow.

We were actually looking for a new humidifier for the older boys' room (last week's cold has lingered into this week's nasty cough), but when we saw him, Mxyl and Zorg agreed that they should have their old humidifier so Choclo could have a penguin.

That's brotherly love!

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