Saturday, February 19, 2011

Purple Boys

By Friday night, Mxyl and Zorg had made their beds.

We had gotten these cool duvet covers on clearance at Ikea. In the picture they look like dots, but a little closer, all the dots are connected and they look like molecules. I got two extras ($8 each, not a hard call) and used one to make the window curtains and one to make a curtain for use as a closet door.

And the older boys were DONE! They slept in their new room last night!

This was the silver room that had caused Choclo such angst. I wasn't that excited to paint over it since it was only last March that I painted it and it had taken 5 or 6 coats. I should have used a gray base coat to cover the blue and green stripes and then done one coat of silver, but, live and learn.

And here is the NEW younger boys' room!

The Emperor gave me a big boost on this one. I swept the huge mass of detritus out the door into a big pile in the library and he sorted it all out while I painted.

I'm not sure it shows, but I used a bit of texture on the roller, so it's not a straight single color of purple. But it is PURPLE!

We set Oob up with a cozy little nest in the bottom bunk, and this will be his first night bunking with Choclo (prayers appreciated!).

My favorite part of this project was stocking the book shelf with all our favorites for this age: Corduroy, Babar, Sendack, Baese, Mouse Paint, Suess, Goodnight Moon, Monster Machines, and so many others.

Now about that library...

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