Monday, March 21, 2011

Fun Guys

So, out of the blue, Leena asked me, "Mom, can we grow mushrooms?"

Sure, why not! We found a mushroom kit here.

Our first try didn't work.

I had noticed, when the kit arrived, that the box was a little damp, but I didn't think much about it. As it turned out, something had been amiss with the packaging and our kit got contaminated with mold during transit.

We actually grew a fine carpet of green mold . We decided it was not edible.

I gave the company a call and they sent us a new kit.

Fungi perfecto! This one took off and is growing like crazy!

The top picture shows the primordia (baby mushrooms) just starting to form. The next picture was taken the next day, and the last picture was the third day!

So cool! There's a fungus among us!

We'll keep you posted...

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