Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy and Sad News

Wednesday afternoon we got the very happy news that we were expecting a baby.

Unfortunately, Friday morning, we discovered that we had lost the baby.

Probably our little one was gone by the time we got the positive results.

We're actually doing pretty well. I spent some time at Adoration on Saturday and that was very healing. God gives in eternity, so our dear one isn't really gone, just in His arms instead of ours.

I'm still glad we were given the gift here, even if only for a little while.


  1. You have my sympathy and prayers. Amazing the plans you have for a baby just in a few days isn't it? We also look forward to meeting our 2 babies in heaven some day. It will be a happy day!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you.
