Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April Flowers

These pretty blooms are from Leena's garden.

I like daffodils in general, but these peachy pink blooms are my favorite.

Outside, everything is in bloom!

At the top, we have two cherry trees and a plum tree. At the bottom, our pear tree is also in full flower.

Last Fall, I splurged on some bulk bulbs to make a cutting garden! I love tulips, but I never want to pick them. We'll see if I have the nerve to pick these! I think I might as a gift to a dear friend...

I found this little Johnny-Jump-Up peeking out from beneath a tulip in Mxyl's garden.

Choclo wanted to pick the hyacinth in his garden. He picked two for his room - very fragrant!

He's really been delighted by all the flowers coming up in his garden. I'm not sure how much he connects it with the rock like objects he planted 6 months ago.

I've been enjoying the beautiful new leaves.

These are my roses (yet innocent of black spot!). After a long winter, the flowers could hardly be prettier than these leaves!

Below the roses, my coral bells are leafing out.

This morning, we took a gratitude walk. We walked around the neighborhood, down into the woods, enjoying things and thanking God for them.

For me, I just need to walk around my garden!

1 comment:

  1. Quite funny about johny jump I like these occasion. I feel those blue flower are so beautiful.
    dean graziosi
