Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

We went up and visited my folks in NJ.

Here are the kids in their Easter finery.

And here they are running around like crazy people near the lake behind the house.

And here I am, getting my third outrageously good hand (in a row) at Pigs Knuckles (Pinochle). Mumpy is so embarrassed, she's edged out of the picture (not really, a kid had the camera. Mumpy thought it was funny!).

I'm not sure I've ever won against my mom before, definitely not by that much, anyway, but we had a great time. Should I mention she had hurt her back and was on some powerful medication? Probably not.

Leena enjoyed playing the Dummy.

The kids built domino houses, which was very fun, although, eventually, Choclo decided an invisible person was blowing on his house and knocking it down. Ummmm. Actually he kept kicking the leg of the card table.

I wish I had gotten pictures of the egg hunts and the pinata.

Oh, well, we had a great time with lots of family memories and that's what counts!

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