Monday, May 2, 2011

I Would Pay $50

and probably more to have photos of each kid the first 5 times they walked into my room and said, "Look! I got dressed!"

Oob is going through this delightful stage.

The first day he was wearing two shirts, one as a kilt (with the neck around his waist) and the other as a hat.

The next time he was wearing a shirt as pants (legs through sleeves), and the top was convoluted in a way I had thought topologically impossible. How does he do that?

The time after that he had his shirt on upside down. Not backwards, upside down. The neck of the shirt was around his waist and he seemed bemused by the wide expanse of fabric flapping around his actual neck.

He's settling down now to merely inside out and backwards, although he's taken to rifling though his drawers to pick out his own stuff which adds much to each occasion.

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