Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Cave Museum

Last Friday (yeah, I know I haven't been too up to date on the blog!), we went to The Cave Museum, which the rest of the world knows as Luray Caverns.

 I had been wanting to visit Luray since I first heard about it in High School Geology.  Amazingly, it was worth the wait!

The kids were quite mesmerized as well, although Choclo insists that it was "The Cave Museum."

It was a great chance to talk about all things Geology: sedimentary rocks, dripstone and flowstone formations, and geologic time.  Plus it was just awesome! 

The top picture was my favorite part: Dream Lake.  It's actually super shallow (20" at it's deepest), but so still it is a perfect mirror of the ceiling.

Choclo was, I think, the  most impressed with the cave (at least he's the one that keeps talking about it several days later).  His favorite part of the expedition was "Fried eggs, baked in a cave!" which he says with an air of happy incredulity.

We also visited the antique car museum.  I made an effort to link the cars with the time periods we had been studying, but soon got overwhelmed with the wow factor.  It really was amazing, and it made a big impression on Choclo.  I overheard him telling an adult friend that the Car Museum was his favorite part.

When he asked her if she had gone to the car exhibit, she told him, no, she had just been to the cave.  Amazed, he asked her, "Do you despise cars?"

For the record, she didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We went to DC on vacation a few summers back and stayed with MD friends. After a day spent at museums on the mall we arrived back at the metro parking lot and one of the little ones said "a car museum!". We still laugh about it. We don't despise cars here in Detroit. Your kids (and you) would love the Henry Ford and Greenfield Village. Road trip to MI someday!
