Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Space Side

 This week, we went to the space side of the Air and Space museum.

Leena decided the perfect fashion accessory this trip was gigantic glasses.  The frames are empty, incidentally, and I have no intention of admitting that  they were the frames I wore in the late 80s.

Moving right along, this section was called something like Observing the Earth from the Sky, but actually, it's all about spy cameras and satellites (with some weather satellites thrown in).  Great stuff for our study of the 50s and the Cold War!

 All the space race stuff really fed into our topic, but, really, there's nothing that says Cold War like an ICBM.

Zorg asked the saddest question about ICBMs when I explained what they did: "Why?"

Happier are the moon flight artifacts!

 Choclo and Zorg loved that section (after two years of finding the dim lighting too scary!).

Of course, the best is the lunar lander!

A close second is going through Skylab.  If you are ever at the Air and Space Museum, go through Skylab and look up!  It is so cool!  I probably went through it 20 times (Choclo went through a stage...) before I thought to look up, and I have never see anyone else do it, but it's fantastic, especially if you think about it being in 0G.

We also really enjoyed the telescope section (Exploring the Universe).  They start with astrolabes.

And they go through the full spectrum of telescopes, if you'll pardon the pun.  This is us in infrared!

 The one thing we did do about air was the How Things Fly exhibit.  So many cool experiments!  Plus, really, who can resist a paper airplane contest?

The answer is Klenda from now on... she's won too many times!

 Speaking of fabulous achievements, did I mention Mxyl got his Scout Aviation badge?

Plus he met one of the Tuskeegee airmen!!!

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