Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Epic Thanksgiving Part 2

 We had a great Thanksgiving dinner with smoked turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cranberries, salad and... soda!

Soda is a fairly rare treat for the Zoomlians (maybe once or twice a month), but I was still surprised when I found these pictures on the camera.

 Klenda built a domino house, then amused herself (and Leena) by seeing what she could remove.
 Actually, she could remove quite a bit while leaving the structure standing.
 But not that much!
Here's my Dad, looking like he's wondering if someone did something to the soda...

In the back ground, you can see the Emperor reading with Mxyl.  He (and the oldest 3) finished Return of the King, thereby concluding the Tolkien run which began over a year ago with the reading of the Hobbit!

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