Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Getting Things Done

Today we were supposed to go to the Botanical Gardens and see their holiday train display.  As it happened, the combination of cold and rainy and Occupy DC (camping out on the Mall, and presumably taking up parking) was enough to scare us off, temporarily, at least.  We'll try again next week.

In the mean time, it looked like a great day to Get Stuff Done!

So far we've done the Christmas cards!  Really that doesn't capture it. We are DONE, do you hear me, DONE with the Christmas cards!!!  That means: Christmas letter, Christmas picture, addresses found and  written, stamps and address labels applied mostly right side up (Choclo did those), envelopes stuffed and all, DONE!  Did I mention we're done?

Did  you know that one thing that stresses me out about Christmas is Christmas cards?  You did?  I'm surprised.  I've never mentioned it to anyone.  But as long as they are in the house I feel creeping guilt that I need to add (to the Christmas letter, mind you!) a newsy personal note to each person.  I mean to each person in each household.  That's about 200 newsy personal notes.  Seriously, I would need to start in August. But, when the cards are sent, the guilt evaporates, because... it's done.

Did I mention that when I ran out of stamps, I sent Mxyl and Klenda to the post office to buy stamps, stamp the remaining cards and mail the whole shebang?  Having older kids rocks!

We've also been making cookies and candy and starting to wrap the presents.  And the kids all cleaned their rooms.  And we finished the cards! And we're listening to Christmas music!

I am having an awesome day (as measured by I feel great)!  And I hope you are, too.

Here, listen to some Christmas music:

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