Thursday, December 29, 2011

Guest blog by Mxyl: Merry Christmas from Zoom Extended Edition

This year our grandparents came over to visit us!  Pa, while opening his present, handled it as if it was a bomb (or at least an unidentified object of some type) and by the time it was just about open he had almost convinced all of us that there were three [angry] ferrets inside who were doing everything they could to get out.  It later turned out to be six mugs with designs of fighter planes on them.

We greatly enjoyed the presents and presence of one another.  Oh, yes--I can't do a blog post about this Christmas without noting the Christmas tree.  Last year, it was so big we had trouble finding enough room in the house to put the angel on top!  This year, it was relatively tiny.  The result was that we had a lot of trouble finding enough room
on the tree to put all the ornaments, let alone the presents.

 Baby Jesus's manger was overflowing with straw (literally!), Our other grandmother came over to run a few errands and finish up her Christmas shopping, and we played both video games, outside games, and more.
Just today, we opened the stuff our Aunt Toni gave us.
Choclo & Oob got probably the most difficult-to-build castle in the world (just trust me on this one),

Leena got glowing gloves that glowed different colors (red, green, blue and all three--that is SO cool),
Zorg got a create-and-eat gummy bug set (no, I am not making this up),

Klenda got a new art kit (a calligraphy set, in fact!)
and I got an official Legend of Zelda t-shirt!
Thanks, Aunt Toni!  And a happy new year to all!

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