Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Of Socks and Such

It is a well known fact that socks tend to go missing in my house.  I always thought the drier ate them, but now I need another theory.

I have a dozen Christmas stockings.  I have never put any of them into the drier, yet each Christmas I find fewer stockings.

This year I could only find 7 and I needed 9.  What to do?  The plain ones were on sale at Target for $4, but I just couldn't bring myself to spend the money.  I have yards of fleece stockpiled in my sewing cache, how hard could it be to make them?

In a shocking development, they turned out to be as easy as I thought they'd be!

I just folded the fabric to make 4 layers, cut out a stocking type shape, and sewed around the outside.

I wasn't sure how to cuff them (or was too lazy!) so I folded down the tops and fringed them.  A little fabric paint and:  Voila!  Stockings!

It would have been nice to trim the seams to get the curves to lie smooth, and I may get around to that... eventually.  But they bulge out when stuffed anyway, so it doesn't show in use!

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