Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Reasons for Photoshop

One reason I like the Botannical Gardens is that it's a great place to take Festive Family Fotos Photos.

It's a great theory, and sometimes it even works!  This year however...

Photo 1: Light isn't good, Mxyl appears to be blocking some unseen thing aimed at his ear.
 Photo 2: Zorg looks desperately unhappy, Mxyl doesn't look happy and Klenda looks a little too happy.  Light still isn't right.
 Photo 3: Mxyl still too serious, Zorg looks pained, I feel pained.
I forget about the light because we are obviously having other issues.

 Photo 4: Leena moved, Zorg makes an attempt at sleeping, Oob hides.  I have a creeping sensation that this is not going to work out as planned.
 Photo 5: The Zoomlians, perhaps sense my mood! Klenda is grimacing, Leena is horrified, and Oob attempts to escape.  Mxyl looks great, though, and Choclo is smiling like a champ!  Maybe I should change tactics...
 Photo 6: I take a picture of "only the kids who want to smile."  It comes out like this...  

 Photo 7: Fine!  I try a picture of "only those kids who don't want to smile."  It comes out like this.

Which is enough to entice Oob back since he doesn't want to smile either, which looks like this.
At this point we are actually 16 photos in (I spared you, really I did!) and I realize we are just not going to get a Christmas photo of glowing happy, respectabiggle children this trip and I decide to be all right with that.

There's always Photoshop.

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