Thursday, December 22, 2011

Scout Party!

Last night was the Boy Scout Christmas party.  I'm not sure how that turned into a costume party, but it did!

I think one scout decided to come as Santa and Mxyl thought of coming as an elf.  Link, the Legend of Zelda elf, to be specific.

From there on it snowballed.  Zorg wanted to be the nightmare before Christmas (or "Oops!  Wrong holiday!").  Leena wanted to be a Christmas tree (although some of her tinsel fell off before I took the picture), and Klenda went as a department store elf.  Her name tag reads: Hello!  My name is Elf Rudolf.

And a very good time was had by all!

FOOTNOTE BY MXYL: I made a photoshop of myself earlier.  It reads, "Legend of Zenda", a pun on Princess Klenda (Hey, our dad is a grand emperor, so "Princess" Klenda really does work!) and has nothing whatsoever to do with The Prisoner of Zenda.

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