Sunday, January 29, 2012


 I've been so busy, I don't think I've even mentioned that we started a high school Biology class two weeks ago!

We have Mxyl and two home school friends (all actually in High School), as well as Klenda (faking it well), and Zorg (auditing the class and enjoying it heartily).

Another parent is doing the driving and (yet ) another parent (Choclo's godmother) is watching Choclo, Oob and Leena.  The godmother tells me that watching those three is hilarious!

The first visit, Choclo and Oob went methodically hand in hand through her house, informing her about their discoveries: Do you know that you have legos?

Later: Do you know that you have a dog?! 

Still later: Do you know that you have a BABY!?!

So this has been good for all of us: the older kids get time with their friends, Choclo and the younger kids get to spend time with the godmother and her younger kids, and, best of all,  I get to teach Biology!

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