Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guest blog by Mxyl: Happy Demidolthood Klenda!

Mxyl here.  Good news: Klenda has just survived her first few nights as a teenager.

You see, there are two different kinds of age people are at: Child and a dolt.  However, I--and now Klenda--are at the most dangerous age: when we are half of each.  I call this being a demidolt.

Also called half-dolts, demidolts contain random powers that are necessary for their survival; mine is super-clumsiness, allowing me to increase of decrease the clumsiness or coordination of other beings (though I can't use this on myself yet; it looks like it'll just have to be 0% coordination for me)  and I also can construct really long sentences, while Klenda actually appears to have the rare and virtually uncontrollable power of... breaking random body parts!

But the less you know about this the better, so I'd better stop saying these things now.  But just so you know, if you ever run into a dark-cloaked man with four arms who calls himself Khiruptorr, you'd better say you know nothing abou--

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