I don't actually have a bumper sticker on my car, unless you count the "I'm Proud of my Boy Scout" one, and that's not really a "message".
I feel funny about bumper stickers in general: can you really have some message for everyone in every situation? Is there something that would be useful to tell absolutely everyone? The Gospel is, of course, but it's hard to put on a bumper sticker in a way that not a near occasion of eye rolling.
It's an interesting question, and a kind of game I play with myself: if you could put anything on a bumper sticker, what would it be?
The closest I've come so far has been; "Worry less about how you look, and more about who you are."
Any other ideas?
Hi! I'm catching up on your many (!) recent posts. We've had my nephew for some weeks and sicknesses all around...now back to real life! Maybe I'm just getting older (and don't care if people roll their eyes at me) but I opt for a gentle pro-life bumper sticker (in addition to our Catholic grade school and high school!) but I love your idea too!