Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dessert! Dessert! Dessert!!!

Choclo and Oob were (collectively) the Kid of the Week last week.  It's collective because neither of them can come up with 20 things they want to eat. 

Even together, they overlap so much that they only come up with 15 or so, and even then it goes like this:

Oob: Cheeseburgers!

Choclo: Cheeseburgers!  And Pizza!

Oob: Pizza!

Me: You can't do pizza, we just had it last week.

Both: Ohhhhhhhh.

Choclo: ABC soup!

Oob: ABC soup! And Dessert! Dessert! Dessert!!!

Choclo: Yes! We need Dessert! Dessert! Dessert!

Me: Um, OK, I guess it's not Lent yet.  What is "Dessert! Dessert! Dessert!!!"

Choclo: You know, like....Mega Cake! (pictured above)

Oob (dreamily): And dessert...after lunch!

It also included brownies (Dessert!) with chocolate chips (Dessert!)and fudge frosting (Dessert!).

My waistline is looking forward to Lent!

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