Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bio Catch up

With the start of Lent, I've been (sadly) neglecting the Biology posts, but science marches on!

My last post was about viruses.  We went on to bacteria,  protists (the junk drawer of the classification of life), fungus,plants and, finally animals.

This morning, in a mad rush to completion, we finished the complex animals from crustaceans to mammals and everything in between.

It was a wild two hour ride! 

One of the great things about high school Biology is that it's a really a survey course, a peak between the covers of the big book of life.

It's fun to skim the surface sometimes - delving deeper her and there just enough to show how vastly more there is.  It's the pull of the crazy-wonderful complexity of life.  Every time you think you have it firmly grasped, up pops a little "but then again..." 

It's a course that should hand kids the scientist's most powerful weapon: curiosity!

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