Friday, March 16, 2012

Easter Grass

 Here's an idea that is all about timing.  If you haul out your Easter baskets now...

And cover the bottoms with plastic wrap...

And put in a few scoops of potting soil...

And some grass seed...

Covered with a little more potting soil and watered...

And set someplace sunny and out of the way...

On Easter, you'll have a basket full of real Easter grass to fill with candy!

If you are very clever, you can even put on a layer of burlap to be absolutely sure you get no dirt on the candy.  I wasn't that clever, so I just sowed the grass seed very thickly!

If you are even cleverer, you could draw all sorts of Lenten reflections and science lessons from the growing plants.  I've locked mine in a sunny room and have no intention of letting Choclo or Oob know about it until Easter.

So don't tell them anything, OK?

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