Sunday, March 25, 2012

More Gospel Desserts

I've been slipping!  The Sunday before last we had the cleansing of the Temple and we had cream puffs filled with whipped cream.  Get it, "whipped" cream?

Last Sunday was the Gospel where Jesus says, "Just as Moses lifted up the bronze serpent in the desert, so the Son of Man will be lifted up."

That's an easy one!  We made this fine serpent out of rice crispy treats with chocolate chips melted in to give it a bronzish cast.  I don't think it looked successfully bronze, but it did taste successfully chocolate!

And this Sunday was supposed to be the "Unless a grain of wheat die.." Gospel, but they had a baptism so chose the year A reading instead: the raising of Lazarus.  That was easier, and the brownies have wheat flour, so we've got both covered.

It's Lazarus' tomb with the two brownies in front as the doors.

Actually, the brownies were eaten as part of ice cream sundaes because we made it to Confession yesterday, but didn't have time to eat dessert then.  You know you are too busy when you don't have time to eat dessert in the middle of Lent!!

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