Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pi Day!

It's 3/14. At 1:59 pm, it will be 3.14159. Time to eat pi!

It was a lovely warm day here, and the inside temperature was nearing 80, so I couldn't face the idea of baking something.

I just ground up some spare cookies and pressed them into a pie plate for the crust, and then made a double batch of pistachio pudding for the filling.

Yes, I used the box mix on the pudding.  I wouldn't do that  for chocolate or vanilla pudding, but I have no idea how to make real pistachio pudding from scratch!  It was my favorite childhood dessert, and something of a guilty pleasure.

Plus it's green, in honor of St. Patrick, one of my favorite saints!

I didn't manage any math related activities - which is crazy considering that Zorg learned how to calculate the volume of a cylinder, and Mxyl, the volume of a sphere yesterday!

Blue Streak was in the shop an extra day and I had to cancel all of today's planned activities.  While I was mulling over what to do, I realized that the sensible thing was to let everyone sleep in and have a relaxed day to recover from last week's business, and the time change.

That's what we did!  We had a relaxed day.  We did a few housekeeping things (sheet changes, clothing changes), a little home school (packets) and a long lazy walk to the lake with a picnic lunch.  Grammy came over for tea, then took me to pick up the van.

And we made and ate pi!

We're all feeling muuuch better, now!

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