Sunday, April 8, 2012

Christ has Risen, Alleluia!

 Happy Easter!

The kids came downstairs to find an empty tomb!

Choclo surprised the other kids with an empty tomb for breakfast!

He had seen it when I was cruising around the internet, and asked, "Can we do that?"

Sure! It's a doughnut, cut on one side so it will stand up, with an oreo "stone" rolled away from the empty center of the doughnut.  That's coconut "grass" around the outside, although Choclo initially thought people used cheese shavings.

Oob quickly discovered the change in the sacrifice beans!

Our Easter story cookies came out a bit underdone, although Klenda kindly offered, "Look, parts of it are empty, like the tomb."

I think I rushed the beating and didn't get to true "stiff peaks" on the egg whites.  Still, I think they got the message, and the cookies were truly tasty!


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