Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Oob!

 Can you believe that Oob is FIVE?!

He totally can!

He had an incredible birthday, starting with getting awesome presents, going to Mass and getting a special birthday blessing, eating two cakes, and....

 A giant parade.

This was not actually just for his birthday, but I'm not sure he really believes that!

He wore a jeweled crown and carried a flag that proclaimed, "It's my birthday!"

That's Oob in the crown, Klenda with the parasol, Choclo with the US flag, and Leena in the pink holding the banner.

I would like to thank all the people along the parade route who yelled birthday greetings to Oob!

We marched with the homeschool banner, except for Mxyl and Zorg who marched with the scouts.

The big difference being that the scouts actually marched and managed a parade formation that was pretty much beyond our home schooling crowd.

Appalling, but true, the parade announcer remembered to announce the Girl Scouts, but forgot to announce the Boy Scouts!  It was a learning experience of "life is not always fair" variety.

At any rate, after that it was bouncy castle time, then home for "popsticles" time, followed by dinner out with Grammy and Pop, followed by more cake and even  more presents!

We had a very happy five year old Oob!

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