Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Passion Flowers!
I planted this vine at least five and as many as seven years ago, and it has never flowered before!
It covers an arbor on the side of the carport between Mxyl and Zorg's gardens. It gets a fair amount of shade from our silver maple, so I was never sure if it didn't bloom because it wasn't getting enough light, if it took ten years to mature, or for some other reason.
Now I know!
This is the first year that the cold has not killed the vine back to the ground over the winter, so I am presuming it must flower on second year growth. I think next winter, I will see if I can protect it somehow.
I've always loved passion flowers, both for their alien beauty and for their symbolism, but I had given up on ever getting any to bloom in my yard!
I wonder if I will get any fruit...
nice one