Friday, May 18, 2012

Revenge of the Quick Takes

More with Jen!

1. How You Know Your Kids Watch Too Much Star Trek:

Mxyl (describing why he did not react when a bully tried to get a rise out of him): I just ask myself, "What would Spock do?" WWSD.

Oob (when the Emperor was calling him upstairs for pajama time) I'm coming as fast as I can, Captain!

2. Speaking of pajama time, somehow we ended up using this song with the words "pajama time."  Now we just hum it, and all the kids get ready.

3. This week we watched Arsenic and Old Lace.  Mxyl, Zorg and Klenda declared it the funniest movie they'd ever seen, and Zorg decided that Peter Lorre is his favorite actor.

I hadn't seen it in a while, but wow!  It sure has stood the test of time!

It's available for instant watch on Netflix.

4.  Speaking of old movies, my Biology class discovered the horrible truth: I am a totally deficient Catholic homeschooler.  My kids had never seen the Sound of Music.  Or as they put it, THEY'VE NEVER SEEN THE SOUND OF MUSIC??!!??  Well, not yet.

So, last weekend we sat down and watched the whole thing!  Almost the whole thing.  I fast forwarded through "Climb Every Mountain."

5.  I have now achieved the glorious state of having enough spare camera connection cords that I can find one when I lose the usual one (or two)!

The down side is, I have a drawer that looks like this:

But if I'm willing to fish for it, I can find one!!

6. Face paint!  For Girl's Night this week, we started with face painting, and then Leena asked, "Can we watch another Jane Austin movie?"

As if I would say no to that!

We watched Sense and Sensibility.

7.  And if that isn't highbrow enough for you, I leave you with this:

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