Friday, June 1, 2012

Geust Blog by Mxyl and Zorg: Angel Came to Visit!

Hello and good evening to all sentient beings capable of understanding this rather complicated form of communication; aka: Hi guys.  What's with the big words?  But anyway, we have run into a considerably precious friend of ours, Angel.  I do not believe we have told you that Angel is getting married?  Soon instead of Ms. Angel, we'll start calling her Aunt Angel!  With a British accent!  What could be better?  Ahem.  Sorry.  Force of habit, digressing like that.  Can't help it. 

For example, did you know that my blog name started out as an abbreviation for Mxyzptlk, one of the villains Superman fights?  Or for that matter that Zorg's name originated because that used to be the only word he could speak in English? 

Actually, it wasn't exactly English, but rather ancient Zoomlian meaning a number of things, from "sweet dying moose" to "sweet moose that's going to make someone else die real soon" to... Oh, I'm digressing again, aren't I? 

Now as I was saying, Choclo got his name from loving chocolate so much, although he's mostly out of that stage and now he's obsessed with penguins, so maybe we should rename his something sounding a little like Pingu instead.  Oh, and speaking of Pingu, did you know that it actually isn't a--


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