Monday, July 23, 2012


So, presuming that you have just come back from a four day, three hour jet lag, whirlwind trip of non-stop fun, and then you lose power for several days while one of your favorite house guests in the whole world is visiting, and you are about to take a week long trip out of state to visit your family, but you have only two days to prepare, what is the obvious thing to do during those two days?

Of course!  Have all the kids randomly switch their (densely packed) rooms and paint all those rooms twice!  Did I mention you have your portfolio review coming up and you need to learn Chemistry this summer? Ha!  Ha!

 Klenda and Leena, who have been in their room ever since it was built (2003) decided it was time for a change and moved into Choclo and Oob's old room.

That meant the room went from purple and penguins to...

 Yellow and blue and pink and butterflies!

And horses, of course.

They have the art desk set up near a sunny window. 

We've all been doing quite a bit of drawing and sketching with art books and videos this summer.

This room was painted twice because it took two coats (of each color) to cover the dark purple.

On the plus side, Klenda and Leena (especially Klenda) were old enough to do a lot of the taping, painting, and room shifting themselves.

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