Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm Back!

I was off visiting my brother (Klenda's godfather) and his family out near Seattle.  This was Klenda's "13 trip."

We had a fabulous time!  We went spelunking and mountain climbing, and I managed to get sunburned in the rainiest city in America!  I looooved getting to know my niece and nephews, and I know Klenda had a great time with her cousins.  Pictures of all this coming soon to a blog near you!

We experienced a bit of climate shock since they were heating the house to 65, and when we got back, it was 104 degrees here.  The shock got shockier when the derrecho swept through later in the day we got back and left us with no power for two days in the triple digit heat. (we're meeeeeltingggggg.....)

But the power came back and we're feeling muuuuch better now!

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