We had a wonderful time in NJ with Mumpy and Pa!
Do we have pictures to prove it? Kinda.
I was a bajillion pictures in before I realized that Zorg was giving Klenda rabbit ears in every picture.
I got him to knock it off and took one last perfect picture.
It wasn't until I uploaded it to the blog that I realized the problem.
Thanks, Choclo.
Then again, they are very realistic pictures...
We did have a great time.
There's something special about going back to the house you grew up in with your Mom and Dad still there.
We talked a lot and looked at pictures. I am now the age my Dad was when we moved there when I was ten. I could see the pictures both from the perspective of the child I was, and as an adult seeing my parents at my age.
It seems like the older I get, the more I appreciate my parents.
When you're a kid, things are as they are, as an adult, I can see they were amazing! As a kid, I wasn't allowed to tell anyone what my Dad did. This was agonizing because my Dad had the coolest job ever: traveling the world taking apart bombs. It was the Cold War and my Dad was keeping a low profile. Aldrich Ames blew that, but I didn't, and I was quite convinced I'd stand up under torture!
Now he's getting all kinds of public awards and recognition. They're even naming a museum after him!
It's funny. As a kid I really didn't like it that my Dad had to leave so much. As an adult what remains is awe at how many other kids' dads came home because my Dad went out.
That's just the flashy stuff, so to speak. Back home, my parents took into their home an endless stream of broken and hurting people. They healed them with faith and love, got them on their feet and sent them on their way, often with a car and a college education. It's just what they did. They still live happily, but very simply, because they keep meeting people who need help.
Your parents sound wonderful! Glad that your dad is being recognized for his amazing service.